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Friday, March 6, 2009

Chat server:

Some organizations choose to run a server that will allow multiple users to have "real-time" discussions, called "chats" on the Internet. Some chat groups are moderated; most however are unmoderated public discussions. Further, most chat servers allow the creation of "private" chat rooms where participants can "meet" for private discussions. You can participate in chats on other servers without running a chat server yourself.
The popularity of chat rooms has grown dramatically over the past few years on the Internet, however, the ability to talk in small groups on the Internet is not new. "Chat" is a graphical form of an Internet service called IRC, or Internet Relay Chat. IRC was a replacement for a UNIX command called "talk." Using talk, and even IRC can be cumbersome. Chat clients, on the other hand, are available for all platforms and are graphical in nature, opening up their utility to the majority of Internet users.

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