Quick Search Box

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Surfing on the Internet:

Many of the servers on the Internet provide information, specialising on a topic or subject. There is a large number of such servers on the Internet. When a user is
looking for some information, it may be necessary for him/her to look for such information from more than one server. WWW links the computers on the Internet, like a spider web, facilitating users to go from one computer to another directly. When a user keeps hopping from one computer to another, it is called "surfing".
The Internet facilitates "many to many" communication. Modern technology has, so far, made possible communication, "one to many" as in broadcasting; "one to one" as in telephony; "a few to a few" as in telephone conferencing; and "many to one" as in polling. In addition WWW works on "multi-media", and information can be accessed and transmitted in text, voice, sound and/or video. Graphics and interactive communication are two distinctive features of the Internet and WWW.

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