Quick Search Box

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Uniform Resource Locators

The format of a URL is: protocol/Internet address/Web page address.
The protocol that the Web uses for HTML codes for Web page is HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) For example, consider the web page address: http://pages.prodigy.com/kdallas/index.htm.
The http:// specifies that HTTP will be used to process information to and from the Web server; pages.prodigy.com is the Web server’s Internet address; and kdallas/index.htm is the address of the page on the server. Index.htm could have been omitted, because this is the default for the main page within a directory (i.e., kdallas in this example) Within HTML, there is the capability to display information in list or tables and to create forms for users to send information to someone else. In addition, HTML provides the capability to specify graphic files to be displayed. These and other features let a user create complex Web pages.

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